February 12, 2025 - Nematodes may be microscopic, but their impact on cotton production is anything but small. These relentless, soil-dwelling parasites are spreading fast, silently attacking roots, and destroying yields before farmers even realize the damage is done.
With infestations on the rise across key growing regions, cotton growers are facing an inevitable battle against these hidden pests. Left unchecked, nematodes can devastate cotton roots — reducing plant vigor, limiting nutrient uptake, and slashing profits. As nematode populations thrive, understanding their threat—and taking action—is now more critical than ever.
What Are Plant-Parasitic Nematodes?
Plant-parasitic nematodes are microscopic roundworms that feed on plant roots, disrupting normal growth and development. Plant-parasitic nematodes act as silent crop thieves—extracting nutrients, damaging root systems, and making plants more vulnerable to other stressors like drought and disease. These pests use specialized needle-like mouthparts, called stylets, to pierce root cells and siphon out nutrients. Their feeding weakens the root system, leading to stunted growth, wilting, and nutrient deficiencies, even when soil fertility and moisture levels appear adequate.
Root Knot Nematode. Photo Credit: NC State Extension
Key Nematode Species in Cotton
In cotton, nematodes like root-knot (Meloidogyne spp.), reniform (Rotylenchulus reniformis), and Columbia lance (Hoplolaimus columbus) are among the most damaging, affecting root function and making plants more susceptible to secondary infections. Their populations can build up rapidly, especially in sandy soils and warm climates, making them a persistent threat to growers year after year.
How Nematodes Affect Cotton
One of the most challenging aspects of plant-parasitic nematodes is their ability to go undetected. Because the damage occurs underground, infestations often mimic other crop stressors such as nutrient deficiencies or soil compaction. By the time visible symptoms appear above ground, significant yield loss may already be occurring.
Nematodes weaken the cotton plant by feeding on its roots, reducing the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients. Symptoms include stunted growth, yellowing, and wilting, which is often mistaken for nutrient deficiencies or drought stress. Severely infested fields can see yield losses of 30% or more, making nematode management a top priority for growers.
Strategies for Controlling Nematodes
While nematodes can’t be eradicated entirely, growers have several tools available to manage their populations and reduce their impact:
• Resistant Cotton Varieties – Planting nematode-resistant cotton varieties is one of the most effective ways to limit damage. Breeding programs have developed varieties with improved resistance to root-knot and reniform nematodes.
• Crop Rotation – Rotating cotton with non-host crops like corn or sorghum can help reduce nematode populations by disrupting their life cycle. However, the effectiveness of rotation depends on the specific nematode. For example, corn hosts southern root-knot, Columbia lance, and sting nematodes, so it wouldn’t be a good rotation option in those cases. But since corn isn’t a host for reniform nematodes, it works well for managing them.
• Soil Health Management – Practices like cover cropping and organic amendments can improve soil structure, enhance beneficial microbes, and suppress nematode populations naturally.
• Chemical Protection – Nematicides, like Averland® FC, Velum®, and AgLogic®, provide control by suppressing nematode populations in the soil.
At-Plant Peace of Mind
Averland FC, from Vive Crop Protection, is an innovative nematicide designed to protect cotton crops from yield-robbing nematodes. Applied at-plant, Averland FC delivers targeted protection to the seed and root zone during critical early development stages, effectively combating nematode infestations. Field trials across the cotton-growing regions have demonstrated that Averland FC provides comparable nematode control and yields to other leading products but with the added advantages of a low use rate, ease of handling, and increased ROI. Averland FC is a valuable tool for cotton growers aiming to safeguard their crops against nematode damage.
Proactive planting management is key to protecting cotton from rising nematode threats and ensuring a successful 2025.
Learn more about nematodes and how to protect your cotton fields by visiting k628.yueziqi.com/cotton.